It's purple with white dots. Not filled in polka dots, but open circle dots. Have I mentioned I love dots? It had two exterior pockets and fits into the overhead bin in most aircraft wheels first. Sometimes it has to go sideways and then I feel bad. Stupid shorter overhead bins.
It has gone on road trips and plane trips. From Thailand to Boston to the West Coast. It's from Penneys and may have cost me $30 as part of a set of two. What's great about not spending a ton on a suitcase is that I don't feel bad when I start to tear the seam from over-packing, or a zipper pull falls off (also possibly from over-packing).
For my latest trip I took 8 outfits, 3 pairs of shoes, and some odds and ends. I was gone from Tuesday evening to the following Monday night and the biggest challenge was the weather. Highs were going to be anywhere from 25 to 65 during the 7 day trip to the east coast. Plus, I would have days of walking around NYC, a day at an indoor playground with my niece and nephew, a day for a church outfit, two days in the car, etc. So this is what I brought, always matching at least two tops to each bottom.
Black long sleeved knit dress
Jean skirt (full)
Boot cut jeans
Blue chinos
Black loose running pants
Grey tight running capris
Red suede boots
Running shoes
Brown sketcher lace ups (best shoes ever, I've had them for over 10 years, and they go with almost anything and are great for walking around on cold days!)
Red cotton cardigan
Grey wool sweater
Brown leggings
Black leggings
Grey and black patterned leggings
Two pairs of long johns
And various tops that would coordinate (mostly in whites, blacks, and browns).
When I begin packing I try to pick one neutral to go with for the whole trip, either black or brown. This time I packed a little different and picked one statement piece to go with, my red boots. From there I coordinated four outfits with my jean skirt and black dress that would go.
You're probably sick of seeing this picture, but here is me and my bag at the airport! It really is the perfect size for most of my trips.