What: maple bacon, coconut chocolate, peanut butter, apple something or other, etc etc
Where: 200 E Granada Blvd, Ormand Beach FL
When: Friday, March 2nd, 2018
My uncle graciously brought a whole dozen donuts to share when we all went up to South Carolina recently. My bff, who works near their store, has also been bugging me to try them, so try I did!
They were all cake donuts, and not ginormous (which, aforementioned bff means you can eat a whole one without feeling like you stuffed yourself!). My favorite was surprisingly not the maple bacon one but the coconut chocolate one on the left in the photo below.

The unfrosted ones on the right were also a nice break from toppings overload. I'd give them a 4/5 as a bakery. If you prefer cake donuts to raised, you'd probably give them a 5/5 so make sure you try some if you're ever on the Florida coast!