Monday, May 14, 2018

Cakes by Bakin' Bishop

What: Cinnamon Roll with walnuts
Where: Pidgeon Forge, TN
When: Thursday, April 26th, 2018

This isn't actually a donut, I know. But it was delicious and I wanted to post about it anyways. While we were in Tennessee, we had a day of rain and errands. So much rain. Spring has been pretty rainy for us recently. So we spent a nice day inside our camper and had this lovely treat before heading out in the rain.
Something I found really cool about the Baking Bishop is that she has all the cupcakes and frostings ready to go, but she doesn't frost anything till you buy it. So you can mix and match almost everything in the store!
Hubby picked out this cinnamon roll, which she then coated in frosting. We heated it up before we ate it and it was quite possibly the best cinnamon roll I've ever had. Can I give something, a non donut even, a 6/5 rating? This may break the mold...