Thursday, November 7, 2013

The reviews that haven't been

I know I've been missing some reviews recently, but I have been trying! So this is a "tribute" to the reviews that haven't been because stores have crappy hours.

1. Randy's in West Lincoln. Only open till 10am and closed on Sundays. Not helpful. Tried going there at least twice now, I will make it at some point! When I'm up that early...

2. Flyboy's Donuts in Tea and Sioux Falls SD. Tea is a tiny town, so I guess I can excuse this one closing before 1pm on a Saturday. But Sioux Falls is the BIGGEST FREAKIN TOWN IN SOUTH DAKOTA and it had hours till 2pm on Saturday. So we bust our butt getting there through crappy crappy traffic and arrive at 1:55. Door locked. For anyone who was wondering how the clocks work in this world, 1:55 IS BEFORE 2PM. I hate hate hate it when business close minutes before the time on their door. If you want to class at 1:55, then set your hours till 1:55. Don't close five minutes early for the fun of it. Who knows if I'll ever be back in SD to try your donuts, but I probably won't just because now I hate you. Stupid Flyboys.

So those were my attempted donut places in the silence that this fall has been. Hopefully I find some new ones to review soon that are actually open and want to sell me delicious donuts!