Thursday, May 26, 2016

Donut criosannt

What: Donut Croissant
Where: Hornbachers, Fargo ND
When: Sunday, March 6th 2016

While in Fargo, we were on the lookout for some local beer to bring home. I should start a list of all the different state laws on where and when you can buy beer! It is so different everywhere. We stopped at a grocery store to see if they sold, which they didn't. But they did have this awesome looking croissant donut! It was so awesome, I didn't get a picture till it was half eaten :-)
I believe it was a croissant that was glazed and then frosted like a donut. I'd give it a 5/5 and want another one right now. Who's up for a trip to North Dakota??

Monday, May 23, 2016

Reorganizing the Kitchen Box

We had our first impromptu bbq of the season recently, and it inspired me to clean out and reorganize the kitchen box. Check to makre sure that it has everything we need without extras taking up space.
My kitchen box is a large, clear tote with a smaller tote stacked inside. We use it for camping and for day trips to the parks around here.
I started by unloading everything onto the kitchen table and washing whatever needed to be cleaned.

One thing I did to make it more organized was sorting the small stuff into boxed. All the utensils went into an old granola bar box and all the measuring cups and spoons and chip clips went into an old measuring cup box. Organizing the little stuff into boxes will make it easier to find what I need in the future without digging everything out all the time.

I was also able to fit our new set of camp cookware into the smaller plastic tote. That way if I know for sure we won't need to cook anything, I can just take the tub out before leaving the house. I feel like the pots and pans will be more used to overnight camping trips and not so much at our day trips.

One thing I found that I am missing is a can opener. We only have one non electric can opener that I want to keep in our real kitchen for power outages, so I will be on the lookout for a cheap one to throw in the kitchen box sometime this summer.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

District Doughnuts, again

What: Chocolate Creme Brule, Fluffernutter, Maple Butter Pecan
Where: District Doughnuts, 748 8th St, SE Washington DC
When: Sunday, April 3rd 2016

So after our first visit to District Doughnuts and their limited selection, we went again on a Sunday morning. Tons of options this time! We tried the creme brule (freshly bruled!) and the fluffer nutter, one of their signature ones. Hubby tried the pecan one, but I avoided it because you know I don't do nuts.
The creme brule was good, but the chocolate filling wasn't amazing. I enjoyed the Fluffernutter better. I'd give the creme brule a 3/5 and a 4/5 for the Fluffernutter. Hubby will have to grade the pecan one later!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Hurt's Donut Company

Hurt's Donut Company is a new donut place coming to Lincoln soon. But I'm not sure when and I'm not sure where yet. I do know that they have been driving these sweet Emergency Donut Vehicle around Lincoln and I was able to find it the other weekend in downtown! They were selling some shirts that work as a wearable coupon for BOGO donuts whenever you wear it.

I've seen some pictures of their donuts in other midwestern college towns and I cannot wait till they open in Lincoln! Obviously, review forthcoming :-)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Zombie Donuts, part 2

Sorry I missed my donut update last Thursday, I have been sick for way too long and I'm sick of being sick. Plus, 9 days left of school! Which means lots of last minute grading with tests and homeworks and late assignments finally getting turned in!

For today, I have kind of a repeat. When we went to Zombie Donuts in DC, I loved it so much I wanted to go back before we left! So, yes, we went twice in one day. This time we got maple bacon, vanilla oreo, and I tried chocolate lemon. The problem with the chocolate lemon was that the lemon glaze was so hot it melted the chocolate frosting off, as you can see in the picture (bottom left). I can't wait to experiement with more flavor combinations! The maple oreo that I had from Zombie first is still my favorite, but the maple bacon was pretty good. The best part of them making them fresh is that the frosting is still soft so the toppings really stick in them and don't make a huge mess in the box. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Flower Library

While touring DC in April, we came upon the Flower Library. Sadly, I didn't take a picture of the sign that literally said "Flower Library" but did get some nice pictures of the tulips.
Happy Spring!