Sunday, January 28, 2024

Parlor Doughnuts

Where: 3920 Florida A1A, St. Augustine FL
When: 1/18/24
What: Maple Pecan, PB Cup, Sandy Beach
Website: Parlor Doughnuts

Our second donut stop in St. Augustine and I sort of found this one on accident. We had to go to the bank across the street so when I was checking on Google maps where the bank was, the donut shop just popped out at me! So we had to check them out.

This is a chain, mainly in the east and heavily along the I-75 corridor, but this was my first visit to them. From the car I could see an a-frame sign that said at this time of the day they glaze the donuts fresh (around 1pm). So when they run out of the standard set-up in the morning, they glaze them on demand in the afternoon! Kind of nice that you get a fresh donut in that sense, but the glaze was very messy and definitely not car food if you are getting them in the afternoon.

I ordered my two selections based on the a-frame, but while she was making those I saw that on the display they had written that "Sandy beach" tastes like a cinnamon roll so I figured I had to try that one as well. The three donuts cost about $11 dollars, but were quite fancy. They also had a sign about how they were the layered donut. Again, no idea what that meant. Maybe I should do some research before trying out these donut places? Turns out, the layered donut was kind of like what other places may call a "cronut" or "dossaint" but basically a mix between a croissant and a donut. Very light and airy.

On to the donuts!

1. Maple Pecan: I chose this for the hubby as I am not a pecan person. Sorry. I did get a little bit of an edge so I could try the maple glaze and it was a-maze-ing. Great flavor without being sugary and artificial. Spot on. There were not quite as many pecans on the doughnut as in the photo, but I think my husband enjoyed the crunch regardless.

2. PB Cup: this one had a chocolate glaze with a peanut butter drizzle. Good ratio of chocolate to peanut butter and the peanut butter was the right consistency for a frosting/glaze. Sometimes you get peanut butter frostings that you have to chew, which would have made the doughnut too much, but this one was light enough to blend in with the chocolate glaze.

3. Sandy Beach: this one was the most interesting, it was a layered doughnut, with a heavy glaze, and then some cinnamon dusting on top. At first I didn't even realize that it had glaze underneath the cinnamon because the color all blended together. It was definitely better with the glaze than just being a cinnamon sugar doughnut. I did not think it tasted just like a cinnamon roll, but I liked the uniqueness of the flavors as something I haven't seen at other doughnut places (I'm trying to spell doughnut like Parlor does in this post, but I keep spelling it like I normally default to so there is a lot of editing while I type going on here!).

I would say these donuts were 3.5/5, good and interesting to try, but not something I would go back for regularly and very messy to eat because of the fresh glaze.

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