Monday, May 23, 2016

Reorganizing the Kitchen Box

We had our first impromptu bbq of the season recently, and it inspired me to clean out and reorganize the kitchen box. Check to makre sure that it has everything we need without extras taking up space.
My kitchen box is a large, clear tote with a smaller tote stacked inside. We use it for camping and for day trips to the parks around here.
I started by unloading everything onto the kitchen table and washing whatever needed to be cleaned.

One thing I did to make it more organized was sorting the small stuff into boxed. All the utensils went into an old granola bar box and all the measuring cups and spoons and chip clips went into an old measuring cup box. Organizing the little stuff into boxes will make it easier to find what I need in the future without digging everything out all the time.

I was also able to fit our new set of camp cookware into the smaller plastic tote. That way if I know for sure we won't need to cook anything, I can just take the tub out before leaving the house. I feel like the pots and pans will be more used to overnight camping trips and not so much at our day trips.

One thing I found that I am missing is a can opener. We only have one non electric can opener that I want to keep in our real kitchen for power outages, so I will be on the lookout for a cheap one to throw in the kitchen box sometime this summer.

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