I can't really say I'm becoming a pro at making donuts, but I did make a delicious batch of donuts without my sister watching and with only one phone call (and maybe 10 texts...) to her. Did I tell you she's a pastry chef? You may have known that, otherwise you've probably been a little confused as to why I depend on her so much.
This second batch of raised donuts was made at my aunt's house when some relatives were over for a game night. The key to frying food is to do it at someone else's house so your kitchen doesn't smell for 24 hours. Also to do it while a large group of people are over so you don't feel the need to eat 50 donuts yourself.
Things that went wrong:
Dropped the whole envelope of yeast into the water while trying to pour it in
Yeast clumped up instead of evenly distributing
Used too large of a donut hole cuter for the outer ring cutter and got onion ring looking donuts
Burned one set (maybe 4 donuts, you don't fry a lot at the same time)
Things that went right:
They rose nicely
They were delicious
Had more than enough to go around
Used the leftover dough as a big blog instead of rolling it a 3rd time, was pretty tasty!
Perfect sized donut holes

My next attempt will be filled donuts for the big game. Pictures to come!
Making Donuts, part 2
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