Sunday, July 7, 2013

An addendum to Road Trip Necessities

My family has added some things I forgot, mainly a pillow. However, the pillow was a recent addition. Growing up Mom always brought her pillow along because she has to have HER PILLOW at all times; the four of us didn't bring our pillows.

Which, btw, easy tip for never forgetting your pillow at a hotel: put it in a brightly colored pillowcase. Don't let it blend in with the white linens!

The one thing I wanted to add though was a tool kit and flashlight. There were many times camping we needed tools and the flashlight obviously came in handy for midnight bathroom runs. Lying awake in hotel rooms, Dad would always suddenly shine his halogen lantern into one of our faces and yell "Halogen!" and then go back to bed like nothing happened.

The toolkit came most in handy the year we were late getting into Omaha. It was probably one am and we were staying at my dad's dad's house. He had already gone to bed and we didn't want to wake him up. My dad noticed that the three diamond shaped decorative windows on his front door had the windows screwed into the door on the outside. So he pulled out the screwdriver, took them all off, reached in and unlocked the door, and we basically broke into my grandpa's house. I'm sure we were all relieved as it was probably at least 10 degrees in the middle of a Nebraska winter.

And, yes, Dad replaced all the window panes so that they were secured to the door from the inside so that no one else could follow in our B&E footsteps. So it was probably a good thing for Grandpa that we tested his security for him!

(the original necessity list, what do you guys always have in your car for trips?)

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