Saturday, July 13, 2013


Today I started a move that will probably take about a week. Moving sucks. It's hot. I hate having my stuff all over the place in random boxes that I can't find or remember where they're at.

Moving isn't really traveling, but sometimes traveling is involved. So I'm going to use that weak connection to let me whine about moving on a donut and traveling blog. Or not really whine. But make a list. As I always do.

Top Moving Tips from the girl who has lived in five different states:

1. If you think you may be moving, stick to furniture that folds flat or easily comes apart. For example, my bookshelf kind of looks like this, and the four shelves come out and the sides fold flat into the middle. Super easy to slide into the back of SUV/minivan.

2. Always keep out important documents and all chargers (phone, computer, camera).

3. Speaking of camera, if you're renting a place, take tons of pics during the moving in. I didn't and it almost cost me $150 one time. I lucked out with that one, but never again.

4. Pack the power cord you use with your computer/printer set up, in the box with the computer or printer.

5. When moving an entire family, assign each person/room a number so that when you have to unpack, you just make the number with the room that the box goes in.

6. Don't buy knicknacks that don't serve any actual purpose. Who wants to move a box of fake apples from one state to another?

7. Make sure to properly compensate with beer, food, money, etc, anyone who helps you move. Lately, my go to has been the Valentino's Pizza Buffet. All you can eat pizza and pasta and whatever else they have out that day, including my personal favorite DESSERT PIZZA :-)

8. If you're going to be short on space for transporting your life's possessions, purge and divide what you think you can fit with you in half. Half may fit. You may have to purge again on moving day.

9. When packing linens, it really helped me to have a pack that had one of everything so that I could start with that the first night (instead of one box all of sheets, one all of towels, etc).

10. No tenth tonight. But I did have a donut today :-) Review tomorrow!

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