Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"The worst donut ever"

In 2010 I went on a 30 day road trip with my parents. It was a lot of time in the car. More than probably advisable, but we had places to go and people to see!

During the first week of the trip my dad had some old caramel popcorn and got a piece stuck in his teeth somewhere. He was in a lot of pain. By the second day of it being stuck up there he could barely talk. Brushing and flossing didn't help.

On this particular day, we arrived in Milwaukee and Mom and I immediately saw a donut place along the way to wherever we were staying that night. There was a lot of random stops along the trip. It was awesome.

But back to this donut place. We all go in and Dad heads to the bathroom to try flossing one more time. Mom and I order some donuts and get Dad either a chocolate frosted or a Boston Creme. I can't remember for sure. I have no idea what we got. We sit at the counter and flip through the local paper, munching on our donuts.

Dad comes out of the bathroom and we give him his bag with the donut inside. He takes it out, takes one bite, declares it the worst donut he ever had, throws it back into the bag and tosses it into the trash before stalking out of the donut shop. Mom and I sat there in stunned silence for awhile and all I remember thinking is, I would have eaten it. They weren't that bad. We let Dad cool for a little bit, and then head back to the car and continue on our way.

Apparently he was unsuccessful with his flossing. Two days later we arrived at his brother's house, who convinces him to go see his dentist, and all returns to normal. Or as normal as life is when you're on a 30 day road trip with your parents through approximately 23 states.

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